The Byrd Nest Childcare
and Learning Center
2684 N. Columbus St., Lancaster, OH 43130
Main: (740) 653-9900
Cell: (740) 974-2808
Our History
The Byrd Nest Childcare started out in the home of Nathan and Kristie Byrd. Kristie wanted to stay home with her children and
still have an income. In September 1997, Kristie became licensed with Fairfield county Job and Family Services as a type B childcare
provider. She worked with many families over the 14 years she was a home provider. She felt called to move into a center to be able
to assist more families with their childcare struggles. She wanted to open a center that was the first of its kind in Lancaster, Ohio.
Through some divine appointments, Ron Thomas gave Nathan and her their first opportunity by offering to build them a center to
house the childcare. Through much prayer and determination, they moved from their home to the center and so
The Byrd Nest Childcare was “born”.
About Us
Our Mission Statement
Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old,
he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6
Vision Statement
We believe each child should be treated with dignity and respect. we will assist caregivers in training their child(ren) to be the person they are destined to become.